XR Care - Designing XR Guidance for Physical Caregiving Tasks

XR Care - Designing XR Guidance for Physical Caregiving Tasks


4 months, May 2021 - Aug 2021

Role & Responsibilities

XR Research
Unity Development
Hololens development


Hololens app
Remote collaboration setup

Summary Video

Special thanks to Harald Haraldsson for the video and header image asset.

About this project

An exploratory project to design XR guidance for physical caregivers

The caregivers will use an AR (Hololens 2) headset while working with a patient. Multiple kinect cameras are placed around the scene to create a live 3D reconstruction and sent to a physician in a VR (Quest 2) headset.

I built the Hololens 2 application and worked on the video, audio, and drawing asset streaming using WebRTC.

The tech stack

We leveraged MRTK, WebRTC, and Depthkit Studio

Software Stack


Students: Angelica Kosasih, David Goedicke, Cheng-Wei Hu Faculty and staff: Deborah Estrin, Harald Haraldsson, Abe Davis